


Sustainability is at the very core of our business. We understand that long term sustainability can be achieved by reducing our environmental footprint while increasing the economic and community development footprint.

Sustainability is Investment for the Future

At Jubilant Biosys, we uncompromisingly adopt an approach which defines sustainability as ‘business as usual’. Our promise of ‘Caring, Sharing, Growing’ along with our stakeholders, is the essence of all our activities that are directed towards sustainable growth.

Jubilant Pharmova Limited has constituted a Sustainability & CSR committee at board level. This committee is responsible for monitoring the progress on triple bottom line parameters (Economic, Environment, and Social parameters). We have deployed dedicated sustainability teams, at our corporate office as well as our manufacturing facilities, for continuous review, monitoring and communication regarding Jubilant Biosys’s sustainability performance.

Jubilant Biosys aims to manufacture products for our customers through optimized utilisation of resources to minimise effect on the environment.  We also have state-of-the-art environment protection equipment at all our manufacturing facilities, as we are aware of the threats of changing climate. We strive to reduce our carbon footprint through several energy consumption reduction initiatives and by the use of different renewable energy sources.

As a responsible and employee friendly organisation, we ensure workplace safety of our employees and it is of prime importance to us to continuously harness to adopt best available safety systems at our manufacturing facilities. We practice strict compliance to statutory requirement related to employee safety concerns and there are policies and systems devised with an objective of protecting human rights at workplace for all our employees. Majority of the units at Jubilant Pharmova are ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified. During 2016, one largest manufacture unit of Gajraula certified in RC 14001.

We believe that without a sustainable supply chain base, our vision towards acquiring and maintaining global leadership can never be achieved. With this in mind, Jubilant Pharmova Limited formulated Green Supply Chain Policy in 2010.

Composition of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
Sr. No.NameDesignation
1Mr. Giuliano PerfettiChairman
2Mr. Prasant Kumar DebMember
3Mr. Sreekanth Reddy RouduriMember