Metabolite Identification
At Jubilant Biosys, we offer comprehensive metabolite identification services crucial for drug discovery and development. Metabolite identification involves detecting and characterizing the byproducts formed when a drug is metabolized in the body. Understanding these metabolites is essential for assessing a drug’s safety, efficacy, and potential toxicity.
- Metabolite profiling and identification (MetlD) is the qualitative and quantitative study of the biotransformation of a drug in nonclinical animals and humans. These studies involve the structure elucidation of metabolites, assessment of the metabolic pathways along with semi-quantitative estimation of metabolites.
- These studies help identify disproportionate metabolites present exclusively in human or at higher concentrations in human than in any preclinical species. safety assessment is required for such metabolites as per the MIST guidelines.
- Jubilant offers comprehensive metabolite profiling services for both in-vitro and in-vivo samples.
Soft spot identification:
Soft spots elucidation can be performed based on compound clearance, to determine the functional groups labile to metabolism. This information will be used by the medicinal chemists for synthesis/optimization of metabolically stable compounds.
In vivo met-id services
- These studies involves characterization and identification of metabolites in plasma, urine, bile, and feces of the non-clinical species using multiple pooling approaches.
- Integration of in vitro and in vivo met id studies enables selection of best toxicological species to predict human metabolism.
Instrumentation for metabolite characterization:
Thermo Q- Excotive Plus Orbitrap system with UHPLC system with UV detector
- Accurate mass (less than 5 pm error) for confident biotransformation assignment and structural elucidation of metabolites.
- Parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) to deliver reproducible quantitation of targeted metabolites of interest.
- Semi quantitative estimation of metabolites by UV response for relatively definitive quantification.